Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reviews & Early Reviews

Once the next-gen consoles land I plan to start writing reviews for the hardware and the games and though it was import to outline how I plan to write reviews and what my ratings mean.

Early Reviews:  I'm doing all this for the love of gaming in my spare time and as such I don't have access to review copies or early access of any time. I also don't have the time to blitz through a game in a day (Most of the time). So I plan to post what I'm calling Early Reviews, this is a review based off playing the finished retail release of the game for at least 5 hours. I'm doing this so I can get my views of the game out into the wild within a week or two of the games release. I'll then post a full review at a later date once I've finished the game.

Review Scores: I plan to use an out of 5 rating system akin to book and movie reviews. While I will use halfs which effectively gives a 10 point scale I feel the perception of an out of 5 system gives a better distribution, for example an average game would score 3/5 which translates to 6/10 while it's actually more akin to a 7/10.

1/5 - Poor - This game is best avoided.

2/5 - Sub-par, but still worth while if your a fan of the type of game or franchise.

3/5 - Solid, tickets all the boxes. If you like other similar games your not going to be disappointed.

4/5 - Great game comes highly recommended.

5/5 - Either this game is near perfection or it brings something exciting and new to table.

Remember the text of the review is always more important then the score at the end.

It's also worth noting that as I'm this as a hobby so most games are going to come in as 3 or above as I'm not going to be buying games that I know I'm not going to enjoy. Having said if a game does get a 2 or a 1 from me it because the games bad rather then me being made to review a game I'm never going to like, it's also a sign that I'm bringing the previews and pre-release reviews into question as those will be what I based my purchase on.

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